Convention Experiences

Connection Point

Connection Point is an ACPA24 initiative developed to provide spaces to build community throughout convention. “Connection Point” will be listed in the name for events that are open to all attendees, where folks have a chance to create personal and professional connections, and spaces where you can further build on your ACPA community. These are spaces for you, so regardless of how long you have been a part of ACPA, use these times to for networking and identifying ways to get involved within the Association.

Connection Point Opening Event

We are thrilled to host the Connection Point Opening Event on Monday, 18 March 2024, 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm! This event gives all attendees the opportunity to meet ACPA entity groups and start building community through affiliation with a functional area, social and personal identity, career stage, and geographic location. This is a chance for you to find community at ACPA whether you are new to the Association or are looking for ways to get more involved. During Connection Point, attendees will be able to get a sense for the ways ACPA develops community and comes together to advocate for our passions, purposes, and missions! This event occurs before our opening session in Chicago, and we cannot wait to welcome everyone and to get you connected! The location for Connection Point will be available in the convention program book and the convention app when shared in February 2024!

Local Arrangements

This team prepared the following guides for your convenience: